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Amri apples are not only delicious but Amri apples are dew fresh with the sweetest of flesh. Amri apples are juicy, crispy and highly appreciated for their quality and freshness by clients in Pakistan and abroad. Amri delicious apples which we provide are in high demand in the market for their mouth watering taste and freshness.Amri is available from October to January.


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    0 out of 5

    Apricot first appeared in English in the 16th century as abrecock from the Middle French, aubercot, or later from Portuguese, albricoque.An apricot is a fruit or the tree that bears the fruit, of several species in the genus Prunus. An apricot tree is from the species P. armeniaca. The apricot fruit resembles peach but much smaller, pale yellow or orange with some red shades. The pulp is not very juicy, it has fibre texture and farinaceous consistency when the apricot is mature. It is mainly consumed fresh, although it is also used to make some by-products like stewed fruit, jams, juices, and dried apricots.Gilgit baltistan and a village in KPK Chitral are the largest apricot producing regions in Pakistan and are available june,july and august.


    0 out of 5

    Pears are one of the ancient fruits, with a history that predates Christianity by 2,000 years. Pears belong to the species Pyrus communis. Unlike most fruits, pears improve in both texture and flavor after they are picked. Store unripe pears at room temperature, ripe pears may be refrigerated.As a fruit, fresh pears have no cholesterol, sodium or saturated fat. They offer a natural, quick source of energy, due to the presence of natural sugars. Pears are nutrient dense- they are high in fiber, a good source of vitamin C and provide the important mineral potassium all for under 100 calories per medium pear.A medium pear contains 198 mg of potassium. Although it is an important mineral lost easily through dehydration or perspiration brought on by active lifestyles or strenuous exercise, potassium is necessary for maintaining heartbeat, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, as well as carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Pears are an essential part of desserts and chocolates as well. The Fresh Juicy Pears that we supply is highly appreciated for its juicy and sweet taste and also crispness. Fresh Pears which we are offering is a hot favorite among fruit lovers both in Pakistan and abroad. In Pakistan Pears come in different types and are available usually from September to December.

    Kala Kullu

    0 out of 5

    Kala Kullu apple was introduced into the country by the British in the Kullu Valley of the Himalayan State of H.P. as far back as 1865, while the colored ‘Delicious’ cultivars of apple were introduced to Shimla hills of the same State in 1917.A village called Chetrar in KPK province of Pakistan is the best Kala Kullu producer,.Some villages in the province Gilgit Baltistan produce best Kala Kullu too.Kala Kulu is available from September to December.

    Golden Delicious

    0 out of 5

    Golden Delicious is a very popular supermarket apple variety.The variety was discovered by a West Virginia farmer at the end of the 19th century.  It is generally considered to be a seedling of Grimes Golden, to which it bears a strong resemblance.  The variety was soon taken up by the famous Stark Brothers nursery, who were so impressed by it that they bought the original tree and an area of land around it.  The tree lived on into the 1950s, by which time it had become firmly established as one of the world’s great apple varieties.

    Golden Delicious is now planted in all the major warm apple growing areas of the world.In Pakistan Gwalerai is the village of Mingora main district Swat, which produces Golden Delicious. The Golden Delicious of Gwalerai is well known and in great demand, not only in Pakistan but across the world too.Golden delicious is available from October to December.

HMA Fruits