
  • Kinnow

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    Often pronounced as Kinoo or Kinu, this fruit is a high yield mandarin and is a hybrid of two citrus cultivators ‘King’ and ‘Willow Leaf’. It’s juicier than oranges and is majorly grown in Punjab.This hybrid variety of orange was developed and introduced by HB Frost in the year 1935.You can think of a kinnow as the foreign cousin of desi orange, as they differ a lot biologically. While an orange is a hybrid of citrus reticulata and citrus maxima, kinnow on the other hand is a hybrid of citrus deliciosa and citrus nobilis.A kinnow is generally dark in colour while the colour of an orange varies from saffron to light orange colour.Though these two look a lot similar to each other, they vary a lot in taste. Kinnow is juicier than orange and has more sour taste; while oranges are known to be sweet in their taste.Grown in Pakistan and demanded all over the world, the juicy, soft, scented and refreshing Kinnow offers ease of peeling and juice content is unequalled by citrus fruit anywhere else in the world. This is primarily due to the soil constituency and climate under which it grows. This environment is available in Punjab, Pakistan from November to March. It is widely used for juices, squashes, jams, jellies and marmalade.