
  • PEAR

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    Pears are one of the ancient fruits, with a history that predates Christianity by 2,000 years. Pears belong to the species Pyrus communis. Unlike most fruits, pears improve in both texture and flavor after they are picked. Store unripe pears at room temperature, ripe pears may be refrigerated.As a fruit, fresh pears have no cholesterol, sodium or saturated fat. They offer a natural, quick source of energy, due to the presence of natural sugars. Pears are nutrient dense- they are high in fiber, a good source of vitamin C and provide the important mineral potassium all for under 100 calories per medium pear.A medium pear contains 198 mg of potassium. Although it is an important mineral lost easily through dehydration or perspiration brought on by active lifestyles or strenuous exercise, potassium is necessary for maintaining heartbeat, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, as well as carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Pears are an essential part of desserts and chocolates as well. The Fresh Juicy Pears that we supply is highly appreciated for its juicy and sweet taste and also crispness. Fresh Pears which we are offering is a hot favorite among fruit lovers both in Pakistan and abroad. In Pakistan Pears come in different types and are available usually from September to December.