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Cherries aren’t just red, luscious, juicily tangy and drop-dead tantalising to look at; their beauty is more than just skin deep. These tiny drupe summer fruits are packed with nutrition and benefits,with less than 100 calories and half-a-gram of fat per serving which wins them the approval of health freaks. Packed with water and fibre, dieticians recommend cherries if you’re looking to drop a few pounds.Whether cakes or desserts, Pakistani or western deserts; cherries are an important ingredient of any household or cakes and confectionary houses. After all, who can imagine a pudding or a cake without cherries? We know this for sure so we offer Fresh Juicy Cherries to customers within the country and overseas. Farm fresh, crispy, juicy, striking in color and plump these Fresh Cherries are popular on a global basis. In Pakistan, cherry trees are cultivated in the Northern areas, Gilgit-Baltistan and Balochistan. 


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High on nutrition value helps losing weight high on vitamins and minerals also helps in fighting some cancers.


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    Peaches (Prunus persica), like apricots, belong to the genus Prunus of Rosaceate (rose) family having decorative pink blossoms and a juicy, sweet drupe fruit. They are categorized as “stone fruit”, their seed being enclosed in a hard, stone-like endocarp. Peach originated in China, later introduced into Persia. Commercially grown peaches are generally distinguished as clingstone (pit adheres to flesh) or freestone (pit relatively free of the flesh).

    China is the leading peach producing country with about 37% share of the total world production followed by the United States and Italy. More than half of this consumption was as fresh; this is likely to increase because of the popularity of fresh-cut fruits in recent years. In Pakistan the environment of N.W.F.P is quite favourable for peach production in April,May and June .


    0 out of 5

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HMA Fruits