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Watermelon is a plant species in the family Cucurbitaceae, a vine-like flowering plant originally domesticated in West Africa. It is a highly cultivated fruit worldwide, having more than 1000 varieties. Watermelon is a scrambling and trailing vine in the flowering plant family Cucurbitaceae.Watermelon is a sweet and refreshing low calorie summer snack. It provides hydration and also essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.There are five common types of watermelon: seeded, seedless, mini, yellow, and orange.


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 Helps You hydrate, contains nutrients and beneficial plant compounds, contains compounds that may help prevent cancer, improve heart health, lower inflammation, and oxidative stress, help prevent macular degeneration and may help relieve muscle soreness.


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    Apples are generally known as the “sweet gold” of Pakistan and are among the most popular fruits. Pakistanis among the top 25 Apple producers globally.Major apple varieties in Pakistan include Golden delicious, Red delicious, Kala Kulu, Amri, and Kashmiri.


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    Often pronounced as Kinoo or Kinu, this fruit is a high yield mandarin and is a hybrid of two citrus cultivators ‘King’ and ‘Willow Leaf’. It’s juicier than oranges and is majorly grown in Punjab.This hybrid variety of orange was developed and introduced by HB Frost in the year 1935.You can think of a kinnow as the foreign cousin of desi orange, as they differ a lot biologically. While an orange is a hybrid of citrus reticulata and citrus maxima, kinnow on the other hand is a hybrid of citrus deliciosa and citrus nobilis.A kinnow is generally dark in colour while the colour of an orange varies from saffron to light orange colour.Though these two look a lot similar to each other, they vary a lot in taste. Kinnow is juicier than orange and has more sour taste; while oranges are known to be sweet in their taste.Grown in Pakistan and demanded all over the world, the juicy, soft, scented and refreshing Kinnow offers ease of peeling and juice content is unequalled by citrus fruit anywhere else in the world. This is primarily due to the soil constituency and climate under which it grows. This environment is available in Punjab, Pakistan from November to March. It is widely used for juices, squashes, jams, jellies and marmalade.

    Kala Kullu

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    Kala Kullu apple was introduced into the country by the British in the Kullu Valley of the Himalayan State of H.P. as far back as 1865, while the colored ‘Delicious’ cultivars of apple were introduced to Shimla hills of the same State in 1917.A village called Chetrar in KPK province of Pakistan is the best Kala Kullu producer,.Some villages in the province Gilgit Baltistan produce best Kala Kullu too.Kala Kulu is available from September to December.


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    Grapes are versatile fruits used in a wide range of popular foods from raisins to jelly to wine. Grape production and wine making originated in Asia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Iran). In those regions, small-berry varieties were available and were produced 4000-5000 years before Christ. Nowadays, grapes are produced at about 8 million ha, with 70% being processed in Europe.They are also packed with nutrients and antioxidants,and have high amounts of the phytonutrient resveratrol, which is good for the heart.

    The fruit of the grape contains important and valuable nutrients. Its vitamin — B1, B2, B6, and folic acid contents are remarkable. As far as minerals are concerned, the level of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and microelements is substantial. Both the fruit flesh and the skin of red grapes contain high amounts of flavonoids, such as anthocyanosides, flavonols, and tannins, responsible for the red color of the berries. In contrast to the world grapes consumption trend, only a small proportion of the grape is processed. There are two main groups of grape varieties: white and red. Its crop requires long, warm, dry summers and cool winters for the best development, the required temperature is 15 to 42 centigrade. The grape plant can be grown twice; in January and February and likewise in March and April.

HMA Fruits